The micro blogging social media platform is piloting the opposite of its “Who to Follow” suggestions. A new Twitter unfollow feature is currently being tested as an opposite suggestion to the “Who to Follow” tool. The company has confirmed an original report made by Slate indicating that the micro blogging social media platform was trialing this option. Though Twitter has confirmed that the test is in process, it did not expand on the details. The “Who to Follow” suggestions have been around for years. They make suggestions for users regarding…
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Instagram is the social media platform hardest on a user’s mental health, study
That said, YouTube appears to be the social network that is among the easiest on positivity. The Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) released the results of a study conducted by its Youth Health Movement, showing that Instagram is the social media platform with the most negative impact on mental health. While Instagram may be negative, it was YouTube with the most positive influence on mental health. The research revealed that of the “big five” social media platform leaders in the market, YouTube had the most positive influence on mental…
Read MoreAfter a year and a half, Twitter Canada has a new head
The social network and mini blogging site is now looking up to Rory Capern, following his hiring. Kirstine Stewart had been leading Twitter Canada but stepped down a year and a half ago, leaving the company without anyone in the official leadership position; until now when it has raised a new head to this position along with the hiring of Rory Capern, who will take over in February. Capern is coming to the social network’s Canadian business after having worked at Google Canada. Replacing Stewart is Capern, who had been…
Read MoreSocial media use causes anger and loneliness
A recent study has shown that the regular use of Facebook may have a negative impact on users’ lives. The Happiness Research Institute has recently released the results of a study it conducted on the use of social media and the impact it has on a person’s overall ability to feel happy in everyday life. This research was conducted in Denmark and involved the participation of 1,095 people. The group of participants was divided into two groups. The first group continued to use social media through Facebook, while the second…
Read MoreSocial media marketing takes some local knowledge
A recent report has now been released that has helped to illustrate the use of these networks worldwide. The use of social media marketing is far from new, and while the world may have its guesses as to where it has the greatest potential, some are quite surprised to find that their expectations do not meet the actual statistics. Many people find it easy to assume that people in the United States are the most socially connected. With the tremendous amount of time spent on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest…
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