Mobile discount coupons focus on QR code and social media compatibility

Mobile gaming

Modiv Media has announced their newest product called Modiv Social, which allows consumers to collect discount coupons from any source they’d like, and then use them or share them over social media such as Facebook. This uses a concept that is not at all new, but that has yet to be fully leveraged over the mobile channel. Email marketers have been told that their effectiveness and survival will require the use of social and mobile platform links for some time now, but it wasn’t until mobile couponing arrived that this…

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Glamour magazine uses QR codes in print ads to successfully achieve 512,339 scans

Glamour Magazine QR Code

Glamour magazine, from Condé Nast, has achieved a striking success through the use of QR codes printed on several of its pages, which produced 512,339 scans. This pilot program, which occurred within its September “social edition” achieved these scans among an estimated two million readers, meaning that it managed to obtain a scan from approximately 1 in every 4 readers. The editorial and marketing departments at Glamour worked together to form content that pushed the download of a mobile app called “Friends & Fans”. The editorial piece told the magazine’s…

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