Could Google+ ever become as influential as Facebook?

Social Media Marketing

Social networks are the hot thing and dozens of them have appeared online, each attempting to take some of the market share that has already been claimed by Facebook, Twitter, Linked in and, mostly formerly, MySpace. This has lead to a significant debate over whether Google+ will ever have the type of influence that those other established social networks have held, or if it will simply become one of a tremendous number of copycats and failures that were forgotten before they were known. If it does have a chance of…

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Fusing social media and mobile marketing

Social Media Marketing

Businesses are rapidly discovering that social media and mobile marketing are both key to their advertising successes, but without a large corporation’s budget for a marketing strategy, it isn’t always obvious how these two elements can be combined in order to generate a seamless campaign and appeal to mobile device users. Social networks are beneficial because they allow a high degree of interaction between businesses and their customers. Consumers can follow the latest news from a business, including its product offerings and promotions, and are engaged by various options that…

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eMarketer data shows that 23 million American moms have profiles on Facebook

social media marketing

A newly released eMarketer report has shown that Facebook now has more mom profiles than it ever has before, and that the trend for mothers to continue registering with the social media platform is likely to continue in the same upward direction. The report showed that approximately 23 million American mothers who are currently active users of Facebook, meaning that they sign in at least occasionally to update their status, check their accounts, and communicate with their “friends”. As more than two thirds of the mothers on Facebook have children…

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Will the addiction to social media and all things digital continue long into the future?

Social Media Marketing

Following a report by Gartner in August 2011 called “Consumer Fatigue with Social Media”, many marketers have been wondering whether or not the digital addiction is the trend that it appears to be, whether it is actually a fad that is on its way out. This has been highlighted by the stories popping up all over the media that have indicated that millions of people have been deactivating their email accounts due to the commercialization, privacy concerns, boredom with the concept, or the lack of interest in sharing everything they…

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