The Role of QR Codes Friendly Website Development in Digital Marketing Post the Pandemic

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The role of QR codes had subsided after their boom in 2011. Until recently, QR codes had specific business-related purposes, mostly related to eCommerce and payment getaways. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic subsiding and businesses starting to open again, QR codes are making a comeback for various business purposes. Since they do not need to be touched to operate, QR codes are starting to get repurposed for different business purposes, from looking at restaurant menus to downloading e-business cards.  As the role of QR codes increases, a web development company…

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Why your Business Should Be Using QR Codes

QR codes

QR codes have been an interesting piece of technology for just over a decade now, they are implemented in a variety of ways. As they are scannable in the same way barcodes are, using QR codes can provide multiple benefits for a business, from being a useful marketing tool to encouraging more interaction. The technology is continuously advancing and being used in exciting and interesting ways, but even basic QR codes can enhance any business. Read on to find out the top five ways they can do this. They promote…

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HarvestMark QR code allows companies to view key customer insights

HarvestMark QR code - Packaged strawberries

HarvestMark has developed a tool that allows food companies to improve customer satisfaction. By applying a unique HarvesMark QR code to their products, food companies can gain insights into their customers, including where and why they purchased the food item as well as how they chose to consume it. QR codes can provide companies with benefits including traceability and brand awareness. Improving customer satisfaction is important for companies that want to succeed and drive their business forward. Quick response (QR) codes applied to the products they sell can be beneficial…

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Innovative QR code ad campaign launched by Isobar Brazil

QR Code ad - Wall of QR codes

The Brazil-based global digital agency has launched a unique programmatic ad in print. A new QR code ad campaign in Brazil delivers promotional content from McDonald’s, Burger King, and Subway, in an innovative print advertisement. What makes this particular first-of-its-kind ad in Brazil so unique is that the ad is delivered programmatically, providing offers that are personalized based on the profile, time of day and location of the reader. Advertisers can share the page and offer their best deals to readers in real time Isobar Brazil developed the campaign in…

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Geolocation for QR Codes is a game changer with Solyo

Geolocation for QR Codes introduces a revolutionary QR Code Marketing Platform. makes any product smarter and enables brands of all size to engage richer conversations with their customers, at the right moment of need. Tailored experience for each moment of need In-store, QR codes powered by Solyo, will present pre-sales information such as in-store coupons, product presentation, product authentication or product ratings. By detecting the store where the QR code is scanned, a coupon specific to each store is being presented : One QR code enable hundreds of retailers. At-home, the very…

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