Don’t miss the NFC express…

NFC Tag Marketing

  Near Field Communication (NFC) services may be closer than anyone realizes. Recent research studies are showing that in three short years there will be about 300 million NFC enabled mobile devices, or one out of every five Smartphone’s. Devices and objects that contain NFC capabilities or RFID chips can communicate with each other by sending radio waves when the two get into a close distance of each other. The  technology allows a simultaneous flow of data coming in and going out at the same time. Several companies have been trying…

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Riding the next big m-commerce wave with NFC tags

Near Field Communications Technology

Developers and businesses alike are scurrying to get the coveted number one spot in the mobile payment platform. Right now, this is relatively a wide open field. But has everyone been overlooking a system that’s been in the works for over a year now? Many say that Near-Field Communications (NFC) is on the verge of tipping all other payment methods on their head. NFC has been in the works, but flying under the radar for quite awhile now. Some of last year’s phones by Nokia, Samsung and Android all ready…

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