Mobile technology can safely be used on airplanes

plane airline mobile technology qr code error

A European regulator has now determined that cell phone use does not present an aircraft safety risk. The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has now determined that mobile technology such as cell phones do not pose an aircraft safety risk, which means that airlines regulated by that authority will be able to allow their passengers to be able to use their devices throughout the length of their flights. Mobile devices were previously required to be switched to “airplane mode” during take-off and landing. Now that this ruling has been made…

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Mobile technology is becoming increasingly important to workers on the job

business mobile technology

Businesses and employees, alike, are finding that smartphones and tablets dependence is growing. The results of a new survey have now been released and are suggesting that companies and employees in Canada are becoming more dependent on mobile technology, such as smartphones and tablets, in order to be able to complete their regular tasks and responsibilities. The research indicated that 64 percent of businesses in the country use mobile devices for their regular functions. The mobile technology study was conducted by the Bank of Montreal (BMO) and discovered that while…

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BlackBerry Passport has already sold out

BlackBerry Passport mobile technology

Against all odds, the CEO of the company is projecting profits for the company by next year. The uniquely shaped square BlackBerry Passport smartphone, which went on sale on Wednesday had already sold out in several places by Thursday and Friday, marking a striking new interest in the mobile devices produced by that brand, when compared to previous launches. The store on the company’s own website and on were both indicating that they were sold out. Only a few hours after the BlackBerry Passport, with its querty keyboard, was…

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Smartphone trends show most shoppers don’t like device use in lines

statistics research smartphone trends

Recent research has revealed that the majority of people don’t like standing in checkout lines with others using devices. Among the largest smartphone trends outside of the various devices that have been released and the directions being taken in mobile commerce, marketing, and payments, is the etiquette surrounding the actual use of these gadgets. Nearly everyone now owns some form of cell phone, but this has been a development that has come on quite quickly. Due to the speed at which the smartphone trends have traveled, it hasn’t made it…

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Samsung’s next smartwatch will support mobile payments

Samsung smartwatch gadgets galaxy gear wearable technology mobile payments

Samsung and Apple may clash on the mobile commerce battlefield Samsung has been looking for ways to compete with Apple for some time. The two companies have been rivals for years, but neither has managed to established a significant lead over the other until the last generation of smartphones. Samsung was able to garner favor from consumers because of its use of NFC technology, but now Apple has entered into the mobile payments space with a new service supporting NFC-based payments. Samsung is now taking an ambitious step in the…

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