The success of QR codes in the marketing business is sending ripples through many industries. Recently, the codes have been showing up on gravestones at cemeteries. Given the light-hearted uses of the codes thus far, this may seem quite morbid. High-Definition Genealogy, a company specializing in genealogy services, believes that this use of the codes is a very good way to remember those that have passed. The company attended the RootsTech Family History & Technology Conference last week in Salt Lake City, Utah, where founder Thomas MacEntee noted the various uses for QR codes and how they can be used.
During the conference, MacEntee detailed the number of ways QR codes can be incorporated into genealogy services. The codes can contain a large amount of information in a very compact space. This could be useful for historic sites throughout the country where features such as an embedded video screen are not viable. MacEntee notes that the codes can also be used to help people find information on their family trees. This is accomplished by embedding research data into the codes and allowing consumers access to the High-Definition Genealogy website.
QR codes have a variety of uses that extend beyond the industry of marketing. While genealogy services may be a niche market, they are still quite popular. By incorporating QR codes, these services could become more streamlined and intuitive.