How businesses are stepping into the world of mobile search advertising

Example of Mobile Ad

This year is already the best so far for mobile, as consumers spend more time on apps for mobile than on the web for the first time, and as mobile devices begin to step up to the number of laptop and PC sales. However, according to eMarketer, in the United States this year, mobile advertising is expected to reach only $1.1 billion, and mobile search will make up only $295.1 million of that. When compared to the $31.3 billion that American companies are spending on online marketing, and that $14.4…

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Location based ads threatened by newly proposed law

Geotargeting Mobile Advertising

Senator Al Franken has sponsored a new bill that could lead to consequences for the location-based advertising marketplace which is only just beginning to get off the ground. Joined by Senator Richard Blumenthal in sponsoring this proposed litigation, Franken’s bill would necessitate that businesses obtain specifically expressed consent from mobile device users before data regarding their locations can be collected from their devices. Moreover, it would mean that these businesses would also need to obtain the user’s consent before the collected data may be shared with a third party such…

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