Google Glass assists in surgeons with better patient monitoring

google glass wearable technology

A recent study has shown that this augmented reality technology allows doctors to more easily watch vital signs. In a pilot study conducted by Stanford University, surgical residents who wore Google Glass augmented reality devices in order to be able to monitor the vital signs of their patients during simulated surgeries were capable of identifying complications more quickly and acting to address them more rapidly than the surgeons who did not have this wearable technology. The study used a simulated surgery performance of bronchoscopies and thorascotomy tube placements. The residents…

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Augmented reality glasses unveiled by Sony in prototype form

Sony Smart eyeglass augmented reality glasses

They have now come out with the first form of the Smart EyeGlass, which allows both eyes to see the display. Sony has now come up with a prototype of augmented reality glasses that could, one day, give Google Glass a run for its money, as the Smart EyeGlass features a built-in projector for displaying images and text that will be visible in both eyes. Apps for this wearable technology include everything from mapping to cooking. These augmented reality glasses appear to be – at least in their prototype form…

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Mobile app designed for Google Glass reads facial expressions

augmented reality google glass mobile app

The application is supposed to be able to provide real time detection of human emotions. Scientists in Germany have now developed a new mobile app specifically for Google Glass that is meant to be able to conduct an analysis of facial expressions in order to provide real time detection of emotions. The SHORE real time facial detection and analysis software has now been adapted for these augmented reality headsets. The SHORE mobile app was created by researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits. It is the first application of…

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Wearable Technology and the Future

smartwatch wearable technology

Wearable technology could come to define the future Wearable technology may be seen as a sort of novelty today, but in the future, it could define the way people live their lives. Wearable devices are still quite new and this sort of technology is in a state of infancy. Most of these devices are simply used for entertainment or to keep track of basic health and fitness information. As wearable technology becomes more advanced, however, new devices can be used for a wide range of purposes, including enhancing eyesight and…

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Wearable technology isn’t seeing astounding sales figures

smartwatch wearable technology

Some are starting to ask whether or not the market is going to die off before it really took hold. Regardless of the dramatic hype that has been generated for products from Google, Apple, and Samsung, there is a growing number of analysts that are starting to say that wearable technology – ranging from smartwatches to augmented reality glasses and fitness bands – may never see the types of sales figures that have been achieved by smartphones or even tablets. The reason, according to some analysts, is that these mobile…

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