Amazon’s Consult-a-friend mobile commerce tool adds social component to shopping

Mobile commerce - Shopping Online via phone

The massive online marketplace is letting shoppers talk to people they know for purchasing advice. Amazon has been working on making its mobile commerce experience more social and collaborative, and its latest feature, Consult-a-Friend, is letting shoppers ask people they know for buying advice. The feature is meant to provide online shoppers with an experience more similar to in-person shopping. Amazon is looking to streamline the mobile commerce experience when it comes to asking people for their opinions regarding what they want to buy. While it is possible to talk…

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Amazon will flag frequently returned products as a heads up to shoppers

Frequently returned products - Amazon - Keyboard

The new tag is meant to encourage consumers to research the item they want to buy. Amazon is adding a new tag to label some of the items being sold through its website and app, in the form of a frequently returned product message. The tag will be used to flag items that are often returned after they’ve been purchased on the platform. The frequently returned product tag isn’t meant to tell people not to buy an item. Instead it is meant to give people a heads up that they…

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Mobile commerce exploded on Amazon over the holidays

gifts holidays present mobile shopping apps

According to recent data compiled by comScore, smartphones and tablets play a vital role with that online marketplace. This holiday season, mobile commerce played a more important role than ever at Amazon, as shopping over that company’s mobile app increased by more than double when compared to the same time in 2014. Moreover, almost 70 percent of the shoppers heading to Amazon did so using a mobile device. Cyber Monday saw a tremendous spike in mobile commerce activity, at which time 33 electronics items were purchased every second by way…

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Amazon mobile commerce enjoys explosive rate

Amazon mobile commerce

The massive online marketplace has reported that on Cyber Monday, shoppers purchased 426 items per second. As the holiday season heads toward a close, the Amazon mobile commerce numbers have now been released and have indicated that online shoppers purchased an average of 426 items per second and the majority of them were made from smartphones and tablets. This statistic was a part of the data that was released by the company for its holiday season. Many of the Amazon mobile commerce figures that were released by the online marketplace…

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