Quick response codes are already used in a variety of multimedia formats, from product packaging to websites. They can now be scanned using apps on most smartphones, becoming ever more ubiquitous as fun ways to share information. One interesting venue in which QR codes can be used to enrich the user experience is within gaming. Today’s video games are already highly technologically advanced, giving users the ability to step into virtual realities and play games from the viewpoint of highly complex characters. It’s helpful to take a closer look at…
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The future of QR codes lies with young, tech-minded consumers
Advertisers have taken to using QR codes to reach a broad audience. According to a new study from comScore, a digital business analysis firm, the codes may only be reaching a select few. A growing number of businesses have begun adopting the codes under the belief that they will be able to reach more consumers. While their efforts have, thus far, been met with success, comScore notes that the future of the codes rests with a very specific demographic. The report shows that the codes are most likely to reach…
Read MoreThe impact of social connectivity on video games
The extreme popularity of social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, has led the developers of video games to want to integrate them into their titles. The 3.10 version of Sony’s firmware was the first example of this movement in action, allowing PSN users to link with Facebook in order to share details such as purchase information and trophies that have been earned. This goal of permitting sharing has been maintained and is becoming more obvious in the industry as of late. Especially with the upcoming release of…
Read MoreA new face for gaming giant
Square Enix, a Japan based game designer, has decided to implement QR codes as part of their promotional activity for their latest ventures. Claiming to be the first company to conduct marketing on this scale involving the code, Square Enix’s campaign will focus on print and online media and will begin at the end of this month. The ads will feature QR codes, allowing consumers to access exclusive content when scanned. Then the users will be able to download movies, demos and even full games straight to their phones. Days of…
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