Mobile apps boost online dating numbers

mobile games apps dating

There are now more young adults who date online than ever before because of smartphone applications. According to the results of a recent study, there has been an increase greater than 15 percent in the number of people using mobile apps for dating, within the young adult age group between 18 and 24 years old. The study was conducted by Pew Research Center researchers, who were investigating online dating trends. The researchers were seeking to better understand the trends in the usage of online dating. What they concluded was that…

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E-reader ownership is dwindling with competition from other mobile devices

e-reader tablet commerce

As smartphones gain larger screens and tablets have smaller ones, these e-book reading devices are fading in popularity. According to new data that has been released by Pew Research, the ownership of e-reader mobile devices has reached an all-time low, having cut itself nearly in half when compared to data collected in previous years. Pew’s report on the data showed that this year, only 19 percent of adults currently own a dedicated e-reading device. This is a striking drop from the figure from 2014, at which time 32 percent of…

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Mobile trend experts compare the refrigerator to a smartphone

mobile devices technology summer - girls on phone

The latest mobile trend data is showing that as a society, we’re hungry people… and it’s not just for the food in our refrigerator; it’s for connected devices and digital content. We absolutely love our smartphones and tablets and we’re using these gadgets to do a growing number of things. From the moment a mobile gadget alarm goes off in the morning to the last time messages are checked at night, these devices have become extremely central to our lives, to the point that most of us don’t know exactly…

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The Time to Take Mobile Security Seriously is Now

mcommerce mobile security

With mobile technology beginning to play such an important role in people’s lives, security is not longer a thing that can be ignored. Mobile commerce is here to stay and that means that more people will be using their devices to pay for goods and services. This also means that financial information will be trafficked through the digital space more frequently than it already is. Unfortunately, many platforms simple do not have the security measures in place to protect everyone’s financial information. The burden of security also cannot reliably be…

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