Technology news headlines explode with KitKat Android 4.4 launch

Android mobile commerce

Google has released the very latest major build to its mobile operating system. The long awaited technology news has now been announced with the release of the most recent version of Android, the KitKat 4.4 operating system, which first became available on the Nexus 5, which was just launched. This new device is the very first one to operate in this latest build of Google’s mobile OS. As with all technology news, KitKat has been met with some mixed reviews, but overall, excitement seems to be standard. Android 4.4 has…

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Research shows Android to surpass Apple in downloaded apps for first time

Apple vs Android mobile marketing

Ovum, a research firm, has announced that Android will be overtaking apple in the number of downloaded applications for the first time in the history of the companies. The research has indicated that by the end of this year, Android will have achieved 8.1 billion downloads, when compared to 6 billion downloads that will have been made through iOS mobile devices manufactured by Apple. This reflects a tremendous year of growth for both platforms, as last year’s download totals were 1.4 billion for Android and 2.7 billion for Apple iOS…

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