Technology news headlines explode with KitKat Android 4.4 launch

Android mobile commerce

Google has released the very latest major build to its mobile operating system.

The long awaited technology news has now been announced with the release of the most recent version of Android, the KitKat 4.4 operating system, which first became available on the Nexus 5, which was just launched.

This new device is the very first one to operate in this latest build of Google’s mobile OS.

As with all technology news, KitKat has been met with some mixed reviews, but overall, excitement seems to be standard. Android 4.4 has a faster ability to multitask and now features full voice control, according to the announcements that have been made by Google. Furthermore, it also boasts a smarter caller ID system, where Google Maps is used by Android to make a guess as to who a caller might be if it is a business that is not listed on a user’s contact lists.

Android technology newsThe KitKat technology news also includes the latest developments in the use of the Cloud.

For example, devices that run on the Android 4.4 operating system will now be able to send documents directly to printers through the use of the Google Cloud Print or the ePrint system from HP. Moreover, there was a redesign of Quickoffice so that it would be faster and easier for users to find and edit documents and spreadsheets. Also looking new and updated are the email application and download function.

Google has indicated that it will be possible for Android 4.4 to operate on a broader spectrum of hardware than was possible in the previous versions of the operating system because it won’t need the very latest in hardware features in order to run. The tech giant has skimmed off memory requirements and has shut down background services to the point that it will need only 512 MB of RAM for smooth operation.

That said, it won’t be long before this technology news reveals that it will be available only for the newer and flashier high end hardware, for example, the Samsung Galaxy S4, the Nexus 4, 7, and 10, and the HTC One Google Play edition.

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