The Indian city is now letting riders use the messaging app to purchase their fare and travel passes. WhatsApp using travelers in the Indian city of Bengaluru will now be able to use the application to scan and purchase QR code tickets and make travel pass refills to ride the train. The Meta-owned messaging app announced the new service, describing it as a first ever for the application. According to Meta’s news release announcing the QR code tickets, it is a “first-ever” service for its WhatsApp. The application and the…
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Iloilo tourism QR code system to inform visitors to each province
The region in the Philippines is using quick response codes to provide tourists helpful information. The Iloilo Tourism Office will be equipping every town in the region with a QR code system. The goal is to provide tourists with much needed information about the area. This could help to improve their visit with information about the different things they can see and where they are. Each town within the Iloilo region of the Philippines will be provided with its own QR codes. The budget for this program is around $3,846…
Read MoreNorway bus line incorporates codes to help travelers
Norwegian transport company, Kolumbus, has initiated a new QR campaign that is aimed at making bus schedules more easily available. The codes will let anyone with a smart phone track buses wherever they may be. The company has embedded the codes in more than 1,200 bus stops around the country. The codes already show on their printed paper bus schedules, but Kolumbus is sure that people will still want to scan the codes at the stops. The paper schedule only provides estimates whereas the QR schedule provides real-time updates. Another…
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