Apple is becoming more aggressive with mobile payments

Apple iphone mobile payments

E-commerce is playing a major role in Apple’s business E-commerce may be becoming one of Apple’s most important priorities. The company has, for years now, been involved in the digital and mobile spaces thanks to its iTunes platform. During Apple’s second quarter earnings call this year, CEO Tim Cook noted that the iTunes platform is the company’s second-fastest growing business currently, just behind the company’s hardware interests. E-commerce currently represents one of the company’s most profitable business segments as well, and this is one of the reasons why Apple has…

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Mobile payments options to be offered by Facebook

Facebook mobile payments

The social network giant has nearly obtained the necessary Central Bank of Ireland approval for funds exchange. Facebook Inc. is extremely close to being able to join in the race for mobile payments, in which there are a rapidly growing number of participants, as it works to boost the availability of its electronic money services. The company is moving ever closer to receiving the approval they need to allow users to send and receive funds. At the time of the writing of this article, the Central Bank of Ireland had…

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Apple sees promise in mobile commerce platforms

apple event mobile iPhones

Apple may be taking steps to finally break into mobile commerce More momentum is being added to rumors suggesting that Apple will finally make an entrance into the mobile commerce market. The company has been taking a slow and cautious approach to the mobile commerce issue, hoping to avoid some of the pitfalls that other companies entering into this sector have fallen into. Recent reports suggest that Apple is actively working to build a new mobile commerce platform that may be featured as part of the iPhone 6 that is…

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Apple patent hints at future of mobile payments

Apple mobile payments

Apple may be ready to get involved in NFC A new patent filed by Apple suggests that the company may be moving forward with its tentative mobile commerce plans. Apple has opted to take a cautious approach to the issue of mobile payments, having taken note of the serious security issues that are related to this practice. In recent years, the mobile space has been flooded with security problems that have caused significant financial damage to consumers and businesses alike. Mobile commerce has become an attractive target for hackers, and…

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Apple’s Passbook may already be a powerful mobile commerce platform

Mobile Commerce Apple Passbook mobile wallet

Apple’s plans for mobile commerce are no secret Apple has been somewhat cautious when it comes to the matter of mobile commerce. The company does have an interest in the field, but has expressed concerns when it comes to the level of security that exists in the mobile commerce field as it exists currently. Much of mobile commerce is based on NFC technology, which facilitates the transmission of digital information over short distances. While NFC has aided the emergence of mobile commerce, it has also attracted numerous malicious parties to…

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