Snapchat uses QR codes to quickly add people as friends qr codes

The company’s recent acquisition of has made it possible for these quick response codes to work. Recent reports have been made based on leaked emails during the recent hack at Sony that have revealed that Snapchat had acquired, a startup company that provides the generation of QR codes, among other related features. Now, Snapchat has launched a new feature that it has called Snaptags, which allows barcodes to be scanned. Snaptags are designed to work as a type of unique form of QR codes that are generated for…

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Snapchat breaks into the mobile payments market

snapchat snapcash mobile payments

Snapchat introduces new money transfer service called Snapcash Popular mobile app Snapchat has become the latest social application to embrace mobile commerce. Snapchat has rolled out a new feature called “Snapcash,” which allows users to transfer money to one another. This represents Snapchat’s first entry into the mobile payments market, putting it competition with other companies therein, such as PayPal and Venmo. If Snapchat can compete effectively, it could quickly become one of the most popular mobile commerce apps. New feature allows users to send money to their friends using…

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