Smart shoes with e-ink allows the design and pattern of the footwear to change by way of the wearer’s smartphone.
The Volvorii Timeless isn’t just your average sleek, elegant high heeled shoe, but is instead a type of wearable technology that is actually customizable through the use of a mobile app accessible through a smartphone.
These smart shoes have e-ink tech built right into them so that their appearance is highly customizable.
At the moment, the project is in its Indigogo campaign phase, but they are not simply a concept design. They are designed to be the ultimate combination of fashion and wearable technology. The idea is that they are an attractive, classic looking pair of high heeled shoes that have e-ink tech worked into their entire surface. That way, the wearer can use a smartphone app to be able to customize the shoe to match whatever outfit she may be wearing, that day.
These wearable technology shoes will not only save closet space, but they could be a traveler’s best friend.
If the Volvorii Timeless shoes actually become the smart footwear that they appear to be in their introductory video, then the e-ink tech enabled shoes could mean that women no longer need to fill half of a suitcase with shoes to match their various outfits while they travel. They could even change the look of their shoes halfway through the day if they want to achieve a different overall appearance from their outfits.
The e-ink shoes are the result of work by the Smart Customization Research Group at MIT. The shoe allows a vast range of different black and white patterns and combinations. These wearables do need to be charged, but as they use e-ink tech, they don’t run out of power very quickly. The official description of the product suggests that they should need charging only about once per month.
These wearable technology shoes connect with an Android or iOS based smartphone via Bluetooth LE. The receiver for the wireless connection is hidden under the shoe’s sole so that it did not need to be incorporated into its style.