A recent update to the Global Growth in Barcode Usage shows that the frequency of use for barcodes has risen by 126% over a two month period. The report shows strong growth in Norway, with growth ranking in at 87%. Sweden has experienced a 65% increase in use. The highest rate of growth was experience in the U.S. with usage rising by 126.1% over two months. The report shows that worldwide usage has increased by 10%.
Many analysts are speculating that 2011 will be the year in which QR codes experience the most growth as they begin to be incorporated throughout Europe and the Americas.
QR codes have been widely used throughout Asia, especially in Japan where the codes were first developed. Since their inception, the codes have become a cornerstone of Japanese marketing. With news that QR code inventor, Denso Wave, is busy developing a new version of the code, QR is backed by support from both the public and corporate sectors.
The Global Growth report shows that monthly usage of the codes has been on the rise as well. In December of 2010, the rate at which QR codes were scanned in the U.S. rose by 201%. The following months, the rate rose again by 14%.
The report does not account for usage in Japan, which uses the codes most prolifically, in the interest of keeping the results pure.
The number of smart phone owners is expected to rise this year, which is likely to further increase the usage of the codes.