QR code mailers from U.S. Postal Service proving popular

US Post Office QR Code Discount

Proves that there is still a place for snail mail in advertising. The U.S. Postal Service has shown that its QR code mailers were a positive choice for the promotions that it intends to distribute beginning in early November. These are designed to encourage smartphone users to pay closer attention to the ads. Some mobile marketers are willing to go so far as to say that with this QR code campaign, the USPS is even a little ahead of the curve in its implementation of smartphone friendly barcodes. The QR…

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United States Postal Service launches second discount campaign for those using QR codes

QR Code service

Mobile barcodes to bring discounts to mailers The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) has once again launched a temporary postage discount initiative that aims to boost business by encouraging mailers to use QR codes and other such barcodes. The campaign is identical to one that was launched by the USPS last year, which had been successful enough for the postal service to make another attempt. The USPS believes that the campaign will mimic the effects that it had last year by encouraging advertisers to send more mail. USPS takes note of…

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