Beijing QR codes are appearing everywhere

Beijing qr codes on everything

The city is placing stickers with quick response codes all over the place to keep the city connected. In an attempt to become a smarter city, Beijing QR codes are being placed in virtually everything. The international community understands the purpose of some of these quick response codes, but others are a mystery. While those on bus stops provide handy information about schedule times and delays, others seem quite random. For instance the QR codes placed on lampposts don’t seem to be solving any specific problems. That said, the Beijing…

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Branded QR codes added to GOQR generator tool

Perspective book series branded QR Codes

The quick response codes are in black and white as well as in color and allow for logo and image incorporation. Branded QR codes are becoming more readily available. They may become the key to overcoming one of the main criticisms of quick response codes: ugliness. Traditionally, they are exclusively black and white pixilated squares. GOQR generator has become the latest QR code creator to incorporate images and logos. The GOQR generator has joined a number of other services that are now allowing for branded QR codes. These can help…

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Student in Japan creates chalk QR codes for random URL choice

Ryutaro Nonomura japan politician qr codes

The pupil used clear artistic skill to create the quick response code on a chalkboard, but without much direction. A student in Japan has gone to a considerable amount of effort and has used a significant amount of time to meticulously create QR codes on a classroom chalkboard, and despite the considerable achievement of creating this barcode by hand, the URL to which it was linked caused him to face a notable amount of criticism from peers. Quick response codes are usually digitally generated and printed out because of their…

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QR codes are working their way into fashion

QR codes necktie ties

QR code neckties could represent a new form of mobile marketing instead of business cards. A company called QR Tie is taking the barcodes in the form of QR codes into a new direction by working them directly into men’s neckties that would allow a person’s fashions to link directly to information stored online. The ties come in a number of different styles and allow the wearer to decide when the barcode is visible. Among the styles that are available for the ties featuring QR codes is The Charlie, which…

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QR codes are now in the form of graffiti art

QR codes graffiti art

The new design is being used in the hope of sharing a more effective message than the standard. The traditional form of QR codes – that is, the type that look like black and white pixilated squares – are found virtually everywhere, these days, but their appearance doesn’t always suit every form of situation in which they could be highly usable. In graffiti art, for instance, the shape of the barcode and the way they are used doesn’t necessarily translate. Though QR codes are now quite recognizable among many smartphone…

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