Oregon based winery, R. Stuart & Co., have launched their latest campaign that is making use of QR codes on their recently release Big Fire Pinot Gris wine. The codes, when scanned using a smart phone, will invite consumers to participate in the company’s “Me and My Big Fire” contest on YouTube. The contest was developed by Maria Stuart, co-owner of the winery, alongside marketing firm LynkSnap. The contest is calling for fans of the Big Fire wine brand to submit videos about their experiences with the wine. A sample…
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Wine entrepreneurs implement QR Code marketing tactics
The Business Journal asked some wine marketers to share their experiences regarding the use of social media… which is related to their recent report entitled “Wineries increase use of smartphone, social media technologies.” Four wine marketers share their tips. For Matteo Fagin of the CT Wine Review, he released his QR Codes on their restaurant menus in order to create a mysterous smartphone event. With the huge success of the event, he says that this QR Code wave will be in common use in his business. Laura from II Palazzone…
Read MoreEve Online unleashes their mystery QR Code into the gaming jungle
QR codes have officially made their way to the world of online gaming with their implementation in EVE Online. CCP, a game developer based in Iceland, introduced the code via twitter. Fans unfamiliar with the black and white box clamored for answers, while others used their smart phones to scan the code. CCP has encouraged users to scan the codes, as it holds the key to some rather important information. The upcoming PAX East event, a mammoth game convention where developers show off their latest creative iterations, is just around…
Read MoreQR codes are gaining strength
A chartered surveyors company in the UK has begun using QR codes as part of its business efforts. Berry’s, a company whose practitioners regulate property professionals and surveys property in the United Kingdom, is using QR codes to distribute information on properties that are being sold throughout the nation. “We are going to print QR codes on all our signboards,” says Emily Barber, business development practitioner with Berry’s. “We are hoping it will give prospective buyers the information they need much more quickly.” The company has already had a favorable…
Read MoreAvatar QR Codes
Tokyo based IT DeSign announced a new QR code generator that will overlay a Twitter avatar on a QR code. The codes will link to a user’s Twitter account. IT DeSign has designed a number of QR generators in the past as well as other platforms using QR codes. This new project is aimed at getting QR codes involved in social media and showing that the code, normally consisting of a black and white mosaic, can be more than an unfamiliar pattern. The company launched the program in January and…
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