Paying for expenses when traveling by way of a credit card is the most convenient means of payment. But it is also risky. If yourcredit card has been compromised, you may lose a lot of money due to fraud. There are a few measures you can take to prevent credit card fraud. We will review some of the tips below. This will ensure that your credit cards are safe. You will also enjoy the convenience and peace of mind during travel if your credit cards remain safe. Here are some…
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Mobile commerce adoption slow amongst travelers
Mobile commerce grows, but is sluggish in some sectors Mobile commerce is expanding around the world. As an industry, it has managed to attract the attention and investments of several technology and telecommunications companies as well as financial institutions. The expansion of the mobile commerce industry is poised to bring a number of benefits to a large demographic of consumers, especially those that frequently travel around the world. Travelers, however, may not been keen to the concept of mobile commerce, according to a report from eMarketer, a travel management service…
Read MorePredictions for the leading trends for travel this year
Orbitz has announced that mobile commerce, travel as a gift, and flash sales will be the top three trends for travel this year. Reporting that not only will American mobile commerce almost double itself this year, but it will also become an integral part of the travel experience. There was also an increase of almost 350 percent of flash sale sites between July 2009 and that same month in 2011. The growth in popularity of those sites has shown no sign of slowing down. The travel company went on to underline…
Read MoreNothing says home like a QR code
QR codes have been showing up in Saskatchewan, Canada, much to the surprise of its residents. The codes have become a mobile marketing phenomenon but still remain mysterious, blocky symbols to many people all over the world. While marketers continue to use the codes in advertising, the codes have caught the eye of the Saskatchewan government, who is eager to leverage interactive technologies to enhance the lives of citizens. The Government House in Saskatchewan has hosted royalty and a number of prestigious dignitaries throughout its long history. While the building…
Read MoreTravelers win in Palm Springs with new quick response code campaign
Mobile marketing is gaining momentum in a big way thanks to the rise in popularity of the Quick Response (QR) code. The two-dimensional, super barcode allows for information to be scanned via smart phone and viewed in a slimmed down website. Hailed as the cutting edge of tourism, QR has made its way into play with the Palm Springs Bureau of Tourism. The Bureau is placing the code in high traffic areas, such as the baggage check-out at Palm Springs International Airport to check-in kiosks at hotels. The code even…
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