QR codes featured on manhole covers in Japan

qr codes manholes

A growing number of cities around the world are using the barcodes to communicate with visitors. There has been a growing trend in cities worldwide that has included the use of QR codes in order to provide tourists and other visitors to the city with a larger amount of information. The barcodes have been added to locations frequented by visitors in many different countries. This is a clear indication that smartphones are becoming recognized as a highly common and heavily used tool in our everyday lives, not only in certain…

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QR codes in Seoul sidewalks and subways provide visitor assistance

South Korea qr codes

These South Korean quick response barcodes provide help such as a handy guide to the commuter trains. The city of Seoul, South Korea is using mobile technology in the form of QR codes in order to make itself more friendly to tourists, who can now use their smartphones and tablets to obtain visitor information such as the most recent subway guide. These barcodes were already being added to the now hyper famous neighborhood of Gangnam. The QR codes from the neighborhood made globally recognizable by PSY’s tremendously famous song are…

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QR codes bring the past alive in Marshfield, Wisconsin

Marshfield Wisconsin

The barcodes are displayed on sixty different sites throughout the city. A large number of businesses in downtown Marshfield are now displaying QR codes in order to help both locals and visitors to the area to discover more about the history of the city. People who use their smartphones to scan the code with an app for the history of that location or building. Some of the stories that are provided give a basic explanation and history of the spot, while others also provide additional links that offer a more…

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