Earlier this year there was an article published in Forbes magazine predicting the death of QR codes. The article points out that less than 20% of smart phone users scan a QR code on a monthly basis. The article concluded that “QR codes are dying in their current form.” I disagree. As more and more Americans turn to their mobile phones for information, the potential for QR codes grows ever larger. (Smart phone proliferation surged above 50% in early 2012). So, rather than wait for QR codes to die or,…
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Understanding mobile loyalty platforms that are non-transactional
A mobile non-transactional loyalty platform is the type that allows a smartphone customer to receive a reward for various types of behaviors such as mobile “check-ins”, and they come with both benefits and drawbacks. The primary drawback to loyalty platforms that are non-transactional is that when a reward is offered to the consumer, and that reward has true cost and value, there is no way to track whether or not that consumer will go on to make a purchase and, if a purchase is made, there is no way to…
Read MoreHow to evaluate a mobile loyalty program
Mobile loyalty programs are becoming increasingly popular among smartphone users, and retailers, restaurant owners, and other merchants are starting to recognize the size of the potential that they hold. However, all loyalty programs are not created equal over the mobile channel, so it is important to know how to evaluate one for its efficacy. Use the following questions to help to decide whether or not a mobile loyalty program has the best chances of success: • Is the program transactional? Even though it is being used through a new technology…
Read MoreLocation is as important to mobile marketing as it is to real estate
Mobile devices have made location and its context important to mobile marketing for the first time ever. Mobile marketers are being advised to consider the location of their audience and to attempt to anticipate their movements in order to be able to create the mobile experience with the maximum possible potential. The internet for desktop and laptop computers, and television have not provided a platform that is adequately portable that precise location would have the impact that it has through the use of smartphones and tablet devices. Mobile devices make…
Read MoreBest business practices with QR code mobile marketing
QR codes, also known as quick response codes, 2D barcodes, and mobile barcodes, have rapidly been making their way into the mobile marketing environment, and NeoMedia Technologies, Inc., a leader in that industry’s technology, has published their list of the most effective ways to put them to use. Some of the points that they recommend include the following: • Starting early. They recommend that companies begin the use of QR codes and mobile marketing while the technology is still new and during the earliest parts of a campaign, so that…
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