Apple iOS devices are leading the way in terms of smartphone and tablet advertising. According to the results of a recent study, as published in a Millennial Media report, iPhone and iPad are the undisputed leaders in mobile marketing ad impressions and the next runners up don’t even come near the results that iOS based devices are achieving. This is striking as Apple’s devices are no longer the dominant operating systems in terms of the number of users. Though Android based devices have the largest number of total users, it…
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Mobile marketing paid search led by tablets in Q4 2012
A new IgnitionOne report has highlighted the search spending growth including mobile advertising. A report has just been issued by IgnitionOne, in which it has revealed the results of its year-over-year mobile marketing paid search spending growth research, and in which it made some considerable discoveries based on last year’s trends. In the fourth quarter of last year, tablet focused search spending was double that of smartphones. The report showed that mobile marketing for tablets in which use3d paid search saw spending growth that was twice the amount that was…
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