This year saw a number of major events in the technology industry, bringing surprising and attention grabbing headlines to the news throughout every month. Among the top stories in 2011 in the tech industry were the following: • The death of Steve Jobs – This was one of the top stories of the year for any category, not just tech. His passing brought about a reaction barely seen for the head of a corporation. On October 5 – a mere six weeks after he announced that he was retiring from…
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Adobe ceases efforts for mobile Flash
In a serious mobile battle that began back in 2007 when the iPhone was first launched and Steve Jobs announced that Flash could not be rendered on mobile devices due to the energy drain it causes to batteries, Adobe has finally admitted defeat and has stopped trying to pursue a mobile version of Flash. This announcement was made quietly and subtly on a blog post at Adobe. It equally announced that it will be directing its mobile focus on HTML5, instead. HTML5 is the cutting edge web programming language which…
Read MoreNo other CEO has been loved by the masses like Steve Jobs
Though Friday was the first day that the latest iPhone became available at Apple stores, many customers chose to endure the cold weather and wait in the long lines as a remembrance of Steve Jobs, the visionary from the company who had died only the week before. This was the first product release since the death of Jobs, and was a tribute to him. Some of the waiting customers kidded that the “S” in the new iPhone 4S model stands for “Steve”. One of the customers in New York, Tony…
Read MoreA tech empire mourns the passing of its founder
The technology community mourned today the passing of Apple co-founder and former CEO of Apple Inc. Jobs helped form Apple’s tech empire by driving innovation and promoting high quality technology. With his help, Apple produced the world’s first commercially successful personal computers, the Apple II. From there, the company quickly became a formidable force in the tech world, second to none. Apple is partly responsible for the advent of smart phones, mobile devices that changed the way people live their lives. Jobs passed away October 5, 2011, after a long…
Read MoreApple announces an iPhone 5 event in the first week of October
Apple has finally confirmed an upcoming iPhone 5 event which will occur on October 4, giving Tim Cook his first opportunity to truly shine outside of the shadow of Steve Jobs. As an unofficial debut as the CEO of Apple Inc., the unveiling of the iPhone 5 will likely provide the best possible device and time for Cook. The keynote event will occur at the Apple Town Hall Auditorium at 10 in the morning (Pacific time) on October 4. Members of the media have been invited to view what is…
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