World’s first QR code film festival launches in Korea, connects filmmakers from around the world

QR Code Film Festival

QR codes are about to get more representation in the film industry beginning today as the world’s first “QR Code Film Festival” begins. The festival is being held in Korea and will last until the end of the month. While the event may be being held overseas, anyone in the world can attend, as the entire festival is built upon QR codes. This event is a precursor to a much larger festival planned for 2012. Using the codes in this way shows that the codes are capable of much more…

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The ABC’s of QR codes

  If you are a small business owner or entrepreneur looking for an inexpensive way to get your business name or services out to the people; this is what you need to use. QR Codes. They are starting to emerge now in the U.S. and a few other countries. Japan has used them for years, and many European countries have started using them also. You have more than likely been seeing them all ready on certain product packaging, television commercials, or even on Facebook. They are square, 2D, black and…

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