Recent research has shown that emoji, “haha” and “hehe” have taken down the laughing short form. Although LOL used to be an extremely popular way of expressing that a statement was considered to be very funny, when it comes to the latest social media trends, it looks as though the usage of that shorthand has dropped into near nothingness. It should be noted that this research was specific to Facebook and did not include other social networks. Moreover, research also did not take texts or messenger program communication into account.…
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Social media marketing takes some local knowledge
A recent report has now been released that has helped to illustrate the use of these networks worldwide. The use of social media marketing is far from new, and while the world may have its guesses as to where it has the greatest potential, some are quite surprised to find that their expectations do not meet the actual statistics. Many people find it easy to assume that people in the United States are the most socially connected. With the tremendous amount of time spent on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest…
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