Wal-Mart uses @WalmartLabs to try to boost sales online

Walmart Mobile Site

Wal-Mart has been making a notable effort toward the development and enhancement of its online shopping platform, and – according to reports – this includes a massive hiring effort to bring developers into its team for @WalmartLabs to help with its expansion. The largest retailer in the world is now trying to use social media to boost its sales both online and in its stores. It has recently started working with Facebook, and has purchased the social media company, Kosmix. Wal-Mart is in competition with other large retailers such as…

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Mobile trends to expect for next year

Mobile commerce and the future

Though there’s little doubt that Facebook will continue its dominance over the social media realm in 2012, what many are wondering is the direction that mobile digital trends will be taking next year. Facebook does still have a large change that has started rolling out to its users beginning in early December, and it has been seeing mixed reviews. Many experts are wondering if the new Timeline will be one change too many and if its users will start to have a peek at Google+ to see if they might…

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