The Metrics that Really Matter for Tracking B2B Social Media ROI

Tracking B2B Social Media ROI

It’s easy to get caught up in the hunt for social media performance metrics that give you an ego boost. But “vanity metrics” like number of follows, likes, retweets, Klout scores and even shares don’t really indicate anything about the success of your marketing in a business sense. Vanity metrics may look impressive when people click through to your social profile pages to get a sense of how active and engaged you are, which can somewhat help add to your credibility online, but vanity metrics are extremely ineffective as signposts…

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Social media marketing data skewed by click farms

social media marketing data - click farms

The bogus figures from these techniques has caused success rates to appear inflated. Everyone from brands to celebrities and from politicians to the U.S State Department have been using offshore “click farms” in order to boost their social media marketing data with likes on Facebook, viewers on YouTube, and followers on Twitter. This has caused the numbers in terms of popularity to appear to be notably higher than they would otherwise be. Since the launch of Facebook nearly a decade ago, marketing over this channel has become an increasingly important…

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Walmart’s @WalmartLabs announces first apps to be released

Walmart Mobile Apps

Walmart, the largest retail chain in the world, formed its tech shop, @WalmartLabs, last year and is now preparing to release its first apps that focus on mobile commerce and social shopping. Several of the upcoming apps are based upon deep data technology, which was first created by Kosmix. MapUpdate was developed by that start-up, and was based upon a technology infrastructure that would allow tremendous amounts of social media data to be tracked. It was loosely based upon MapReduce technology, which was created by Google in order to track…

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