Companies still struggling with using QR codes effectively, with many focused on appearance rather than functionality

Mobile Marketing QR Codes

Advertising and technology have long enjoyed a cooperative relationship. As mobile technology becomes more advanced, however, this relationship is changing and advertising is becoming more entangled and reliant on the prowess of technology. Perhaps the most influential piece of technology that has come to the world of marketing is the QR code. The codes have changed the way marketers interact with a new generation of consumer, opening the way for constant connection at any time and wherever they may be. While QR codes have shown themselves to be a useful…

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Toyota uses Japanese pop-icon Hatsune Miku to promote new 2011 Corolla

Toyota Augmented Reality

Augmented reality has been growing in popularity in Japan recently. The nation is well known for its creative, and sometimes mind bending, use of technology. Augmented reality seems to fit well with the demands of consumers, especially when it can be used to bring one of Japan’s most beloved pop music idols to life. Toyota has developed a new augmented reality application that marks the partnership between the automaker’s Corolla brand and one of Japan’s leading music divas, Hatsune Miku. Dubbed “MikuScape,” the application can be used to see Miku…

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