Mobile security is no higher in payments apps than other applications

mobile payment security cyber wallet

A recent study of 10 popular digital wallets showed that even basic levels of protection were absent. A recent study conducted on the mobile security associated with the top 10 smartphone payments apps has determined that these applications lack everything from basic protection and controls upward. While the holiday shopping season is now underway, shoppers might want to understand this risk before paying over mobile. American retailers are now in full swing of the holiday shopping season and while many companies feel that this will be the season in which…

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Mobile security threats cause CEOs to be “extremely concerned”

Mobile commerce growth global world

As smartphones reach nearly full saturation among global execs, it means certain risks are growing. As virtually every exec around the world is now armed with a smartphone and with the growing number of data breaches making headlines, CEOs are starting to recognize that mobile security is a very important topic for them to consider. The saturation point of the ownership of mobile devices is creating threats that could potentially be detrimental. What a recent study published by CNBC International showed was that execs aren’t unaware of this mobile security…

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Security problems may be driving people away from mobile payments

mobile payments trends

Consumers and IT professionals have major concerns when it comes to mobile security Security concerns may be driving consumers away from mobile payments. A recent survey from Experian has found that a significant portion of consumers believe that the mobile space is particularly prone to digital risks. Several companies have become involved in the mobile payments space, but they have not yet become acclimated to the security risks that exist therein. As such, faith in the ability to protect consumer financial information may be waning for many consumers. Survey shows…

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Mobile security is inadequate among American devices

man and woman mobile security

This, despite the fact that the average person in the United States does fear having gadgets hacked. The vast majority of people in the United States – that is, 69 percent – fee that a mobile security breach that caused their personal information to be stolen is something that is inevitable in their lifetimes, says a report issued by Citrix. That said, even though they feel that their odds of being hacked are high, their smartphones are primarily unprotected. Even though there have been some very high profile cyber attacks…

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