Focals smart glasses intend to succeed where Google and Intel failed

Focals Smart Glasses - North

A Canadian company is aiming to provide people with the smart glasses experience they actually want. North, an Ontario-based company previously called Thalmic Labs, is launching its Amazon-backed Focals smart glasses. The goal of this wearable technology is to provide mobile users with an intuitive way to check notifications, check the weather, read and respond to text messages, plan a commute with Uber, speak with Alexa and more. The major difference between Focals and previous smart glasses models, is that North’s product is stylish, practical and designed for everyday wear.…

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Augmented reality glasses race heats up between Facebook and Apple

augmented reality glasses facebook youtube apple

The two companies look like they’re going head to head in this tech development battle. Recent reports show that both Facebook and Apple are working on their own versions of augmented reality glasses. There have been forecasts suggesting that these devices may become popular enough to take the place currently held by smartphones. Over a year ago, Apple assembled a team to look into the feasibility of AR glasses for mainstream use. Now, it appears as though Apple is pouring an increasing amount of its resources into augmented reality glasses…

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eSight Smart glasses bring sight to the visually impaired

smart glasses esight 3

People who are legally blind have the chance for an instant and significant vision improvement through these wearables. eSight, a Toronto, Canada-based wearable technology company, has developed a pair of smart glasses to help people with low vision. The eSight 3 device is meant to assist people who are legally blind to experience 20/20 visin correction. The glasses capture the image of the wearer’s surroundings in real-time and display it in a way the wearer can see. The smart glasses translate the image of the surroundings into a form that…

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The augmented reality marketplace is suddenly taking off

Augmented Reality apps

At the same time that virtual reality is carving out a space for itself, ABI Research says AR is also heading upward. Though virtual reality technology has been receiving a very large amount of attention from the media over the last short while, the augmented reality sector has also been seeing a tremendous amount of growth and it looks as though this is going to continue into the future. A recent data analysis of the industry has shown that products with AR tech will be making up a larger market…

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Can wearable technology glasses make public speaking easier?

augmented reality glasses wearable technology

Researchers believe that they may have found a way to help overcome one of the most common fears. For many people, one of the most terrifying things that they ever have to face is speaking in front of an audience, but researchers have now come upon a way to use wearable technology to assist with this effort and to help to make it less stressful. The idea is to use a special intelligent user interface that is installed into smart glasses and augmented reality headsets. The researchers are from the…

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