Making Use of QR Codes in Your Social Media Strategy

how to use qr codes in social media

There was a time when QR codes weren’t even acknowledged by your average joe, let alone used in everyday life. But then came the pandemic and with it, a newfound appreciation for the conveniences QR tech can offer. And suddenly, this decades-old invention — once considered a passing fad —  is seeing a dramatic rise in popularity among consumers. Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to see people using QR codes to make payments, look up product information, and even access menus at restaurants. What’s more, QR codes are also becoming increasingly…

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The essentials when starting a small business in today’s tech savvy world

qr code business cards sign

For many, entrepreneurship is a passion, but launching a small business can be a difficult and, often times, a complicated undertaking. In starting a small business, one faces many challenges, any one of which could lead the entire endeavor to ruin. Having a plan to overcome these challenges and, in most cases, meet them head on can help those interested in starting their own business succeed. Developing this plan should be considered among the first steps when embarking on this journey. Those interested in operating a small business must, of…

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The importance of mobile marketing is gaining traction within small and medium enterprises in the UK

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A new marketing study suggests. Whilst many large businesses have been steadily investing in mobile marketing over the last few years, this progression has been much slower with smaller companies. In the study by PB Smart Essentials, it has been suggested that as few as 8% of small and medium enterprises even have a mobile optimised website. A mobile optimised website is a key for encouraging mobile commerce but it appears that smaller businesses are left wondering why (and even how) they should go about creating one. The study aimed…

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Bring Your Business to Customers’ Hands: How to Optimize Your Website for Mobile Use


Small business owners without a mobile presence are missing out on an enormous slice of the consumer sales pie. EMarketer estimates that mobile commerce sales, including purchases on tablets, smartphones and mobile devices, rose 81% to about $25 billion last year. This statistic alone should be sufficient to galvanize businesspeople into immediate action. U.S. Consumers will access the Internet more through mobile devices than through personal computers by 2015, estimates the International Data Corporation Worldwide New Media Market Model. Now is the time to optimize your site for mobile or…

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Louisiana home improvement company adopts QR codes

QR Code mobile marketing

QR codes promote new services and discounts from A-Team Home Improvements Large companies throughout the world have come to consider QR codes as a valuable tool in reaching out to a new generation of consumers. These companies regularly leverage the codes for marketing campaigns that have been met with varying degrees of success. The value of QR codes is not lost to small businesses, however, many of which are beginning to take mobile marketing more seriously. A-Team Home Improvements Company, a construction and home improvement company based in Louisiana, has…

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