The district in South Korea has received tremendous worldwide popularity since the video went viral. The Gangnam district of Seoul, Korea, now has another reason to draw the attention of mobile users, as the Gangnam Style video has now added QR codes to its arsenal of methods to increase its views. The song has generated a massive YouTube sensation that has spread multiple times around the world. The QR codes are made out of faux marble. Eight of them have been positioned into the sidewalk in various parts of the…
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QR codes made out of cobblestones draw the world’s attention to Portugal
Mcommerce barcode made out of black and white stones were worked into the pavement. The Portuguese pavement, the calçada portuguesa, which is a traditional style of pedestrian walkway in the country, now includes a modern mcommerce feature, as QR codes were worked in with cobblestones. Though this technique may have been used for hundreds of years, the barcode adds a modern twist. The new QR codes have been worked into the sidewalk in Chiado, Lisbon. It is quite beautiful and artistic, but tremendously sensitive to the light in terms of…
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