ShopSavvy, the provider of solutions for mobile commerce, has announced the introduction of its SavvyListings, a service comparable to Craigslist but designed for the mobile marketplace to allow consumers to use their tablets and smartphones to sell products. All sellers need to do to sell their used, unwanted items is to scan the barcode of the product with their smartphone, and enter information about the condition, and the desired selling price. This is a free service and the category, description, and images of the product do not need to be…
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Mobile commerce industry leaders join forces
ShopSavvy, a leading mobile shopping assistant platform, has announced their partnership with ShareSquare, a marketing platform specializing in QR codes. The pair has unveiled plans to release a new service for both marketers and consumers. The platform being developed aims to provide both with an optimum QR code experience unlike any other. As per the agreement, both companies will begin promoting the other through their normal services. Alexander Muse, CEO of ShopSavvy, wants to see QR codes put to good use in the marketing world. “So many marketers have experimented…
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