Consider, if you will, the long, tumultuous history of the necktie. In the 70’s, the Disco Era, you had ties so wide they could double as lobster bibs. In the much cooler 80’s, they went skinny, which in itself was a revival of 50’s fashion. Then of course, there always the threat of competition with bowties, which occasionally enjoy a resurgence of popularity in certain circles, especially when a Time Lord wears one. Yes, QR Codes are indeed everywhere… So, what does the 21st century have in store for the…
Read MoreTag: scan qr code
How to Use QR Codes on the Road
QR codes are a marketing technique used on everything from magazine pages to product labels to T-shirts. They’re a great – and simple – way to get consumers to engage with brands on mobile devices. These Quick Response Codes allow brands to link to digital content from a non-digital medium. All the consumer has to do is scan the code with their mobile device to be transported automatically. QR codes aren’t new – but brands are beginning to use them in new ways. To keep up with consumers everywhere, brands are turning…
Read MoreLearn from the mobile marketing mistakes of others
Jump ahead by learning from the trial and error that has already been accomplished. Mobile marketing is still very new and can be quite tricky, but there have already been a large number of campaigns – some successes and some failures – that can help a company or a brand to learn how to continually improve its own advertising and promotions, without having to make the same mistakes that have already been suffered by others. QR codes are a prime example of how successes are possible by avoiding repeats of…
Read MoreTokkers Releases Audio QR Codes That Make Anything Talk
Company Offers Tools to Record Messages and Generate Mobile Landing Pages Tokkers today released its new “talking” audio QR Codes. The new web-based service, available by subscription, allows users to easily create talking mobile landing pages, complete with logos, photos, text, maps, video, and social sharing links. Audio messages can be created using their online recorder, by phone, or by uploading audio files. Tokkers QR Codes can be placed on printed products, marketing materials, advertising, signage, displays, menus, exhibits and publications. They can be scanned with any smartphone QR Code…
Read MoreTheQRust – Tag it – Scan it – Rate it!
Feature Article: theQRust – Tag it – Scan it – Rate it! PRESS RELEASE: theQRust is a unique reviewing platform which addresses the problem of false reviews and empowers business and product owners with instant, useable customer feedback and long-term performance data. Created by theQRust team in South Africa, will be of use to any business, product or event which relies on customer feedback. Features • Currently uses QRust Tags with embedded QR codes to ensure reviews are from genuine customers.• Provides a quick and easy way for customers to…
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