Samsung is reportedly releasing a new mid-range tablet in Q1 2019. A new Samsung tablet has been given the green light by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The tablet device has certified under the model number SM-W737Y. The newly FCC certified tablet is powered by Windows. It is a little surprising that the South Korean tech giant is working on another tablet, since the company has already launched a number of Tab A and Tab S series Android tablets this year. That being said, what is perhaps even more surprising…
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The Samsung foldable phone is officially teased at SDC18
Samsung has finally shown off its rumored foldable smartphone. At the Samsung Developer Conference 2018 (SDC18) in San Francisco, during its Day 1 Opening Keynote, the highly rumored Samsung foldable phone was shown off by the company’s senior vice president of global marketing, Justin Denison. The device can be used as a phone and fold out into a tablet. While there have been many rumors about companies building foldable smartphones, the Samsung foldable phone – which has yet to be named – is the first to officially be introduce and…
Read MoreSamsung Galaxy Tab S4 rumored to be released sometime in the near future
Picture leaks of the newest Samsung Android tablet reveal some of its possible specs. After two rounds of leaked pictures of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 surfaced on the Net, there has been a lot of buzz about the yet-to-be-released and highly anticipated Samsung tablet. Moreover, a recent report from SamMobile reveals that this new device could be a cut above the average Android tablet. The Galaxy Tab S4 has traded in the fingerprint scanner for an iris scanner. If you were hoping for a fingerprint scanner, the Samsung Galaxy…
Read MoreTablet market is taking a nose dive as shipments drop off
At the moment, Samsung and Apple are still holding the lead, but Amazon’s shipments are actually rising. Despite the fact that Samsung and Apple still dominate the tablet market, their sales growth has plummeted. At the same time that those electronic giants see sluggishness at best, Amazon’s tablet shipments have skyrocketed. Amazon saw four times more sales in the third quarter this year than it did at the same time in 2015. The online marketplace has managed to find strong growth in the tablet market that is otherwise falling rapidly.…
Read MoreAndroid moves into iPad’s former territory with the help of Amazon’s Kindle Fire
According to data from Flurry, a mobile analytics firm, Google can credit the sales of Amazon’s Kindle Fire with the significant growth of the Android operating system’s market share in 2011’s last quarter. The new Flurry data was based on measurements of app sessions on over 90 percent of devices running on Android. It indicated that between the fourth quarters of 2010 and 2011, Android gained an additional 10 percent of the tablet market share, so that it now sits at 39 percent, overall. The Kindle Fire tablet hit the…
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