Retail mobile commerce came close to flunking its report card

UK mobile commerce - Woman with mobile phone

A new NewStore report based on 112 different brands revealed a less than stellar average performance. NewStore has released its “State of Mobile Retail”, which is a kind of retail mobile commerce report card. The report revealed insight into the performance of 112 different retailers within the m-commerce ecosystem. The outcomes published within the report involved considering 500 data points regarding each of the retailers. The analysis of the various factors produced a retail mobile commerce score similar to a report card. The average outcome among all the retailers’ scores…

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Mobile commerce experience is frustrating the vast majority of American shoppers

Retail Mobile Commerce Experience Statistics

A Forrester study has shown that the experience of shopping over smartphones is irritating U.S. consumers. Forrester Research has now released its most recent online shopping forecast and has shown that the mobile commerce experience is causing frustration to 4 out of every 5 shoppers who have tried the channel. The prediction for online shopping as a whole is that by the end of 2020, U.S. digital retail would skyrocket to $500 billion. Comparatively, the online retail sales in the country are currently expected to reach $373 billion by the…

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Mobile commerce is causing nightmares for some retailers

geo social mobile commerce

Smartphone shopping is booming, but it has brought with it a range of different problems for merchants. While many retailers are on board with mobile commerce and have found that they are able to achieve considerable successes by marketing and selling over that channel, that experience is not universal as many merchants have found themselves facing an increase in struggles. Many shoppers are now finding that their experience over m-commerce is not what they want it to be. The co-founder and CEO of SOASTA, Tom Lounibos, has stated that his…

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Mobile commerce popularity crown handed to eBay

Ebay augmented reality Mobile Commerce

According to a recent Ofcom report, the massive online auction site is the most popular retailer for smartphone and tablet users. Ofcom has now released a report that has identified eBay as the leading mobile commerce retailer in the United Kingdom in terms of its popularity among consumers throughout the country. The same report also pointed out that 41 percent of consumers spend a minimum monthly £100 over smartphones and tablets. This represents an increase of 4 percent in the proportion of people who are spending over that amount in…

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Retailers begin seeing positive results from their mobile commerce efforts

online shopping cart mobile commerce

Retailers using services from Unbound Commerce are finding more success in the mobile field Unbound Commerce, a provider of mobile commerce solutions for retailers, notes that those using its services have seen a significant rise in mobile revenue during the second quarter of this year. The company helps build and deploy dedicated mobile websites for those interested in supporting mobile payments. These mobile sites are vital in order to effectively engage mobile consumers. Businesses with sites that are not optimized for mobile viewing could be missing out on a major…

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