Though QR codes are becoming quite commonplace in various forms of advertising, both on screens and in print, they have now moved to a new location, as they have started to find their way onto the body in the form of tattoos. Fred Bosch, for example, has now had one of the barcodes permanently inked to his forearm. He has chosen to have a random results code added to his skin. This means that one can never tell where scanning the code will result. Though one person who scans it…
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Sharing your art experience with virtual notes
The art world is becoming entangled with technology. As mobile devices become an integral part of society, art institutions steeping themselves in technology in an effort to better connect with their audience. To this end, more museums are opting to incorporate QR codes in their exhibitions. Many have found that this has transformed traditionally melancholy galleries into a full-fledged interactive experience. The codes have found their way to Edinburgh’s National Museum of Scotland, where more than 70 items have been labeled with a code. Alison Taubman, the principal curator of…
Read MoreWill the big black and white guy survive in the U.S.
Not everyone seems to be on the bandwagon for these cute little, black and white, square boxes, known as QR Codes. Are they just misunderstood by the less-than-technically-savvy consumer? After all, they are a progressive advance to advertising and the way we communicate. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter all seemed like an outrageous fad when they first came on the scene. Then advertisers started thinking about the millions of viewers worldwide. That’s when the light came on. Facebook was said to have 2010, fourth quarter profits around 250 million. The majority…
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