Several web-based platforms are popping up, aiming to help people to better understand QR codes and how they work. The barcodes are often seen as obscure, blocky patterns that have more in common with abstract modern art than advertising. This unfamiliarity is slowing the acceptance of the codes somewhat in western society. As more companies begin to incorporate the codes, these web platforms are emerging to combat the misconceptions surrounding the codes. QR codes are a powerful marketing tool, enabling businesses to connect with consumers in real-time. The codes have…
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New options offered with mobile platform service
Zoria Media, a web design firm based in Rhode Island, has announced their latest service which caters to the emerging mobile industry. Citing some 70 million smart phone users in the United States as the driving factor of this new service, Zoria Media is looking to help companies make websites that are friendlier for mobile viewing. The design firm will be using QR codes as one of the promotional tools used for new mobile websites. Dubbed EazyMobile, the service offers a number of design options for companies looking to appeal…
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