Easy and cheap ways to give your business a fresh look

Big name businesses are starting to use new marketing techniques for advertising. Companies are realizing that if they want to reach certain age groups, or crowds, then they have to reach out to them at their level. Just putting an ad on television or in a magazine won’t do it anymore. Companies have done everything they can think of to catch your attention during an advertisement. They’ve used famous actors and sports figures, done slap-stick comedy, and they’ve even used babies, senior citizens and animals. But all of that is…

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Talking postcards add that special touch

RSVP Publications, a company that specializes in direct marketing and direct mailing campaigns, has begun adding QR codes to their direct mail card packs. As technology becomes ever more prevalent, print campaigns have fallen out of favor for many advertisers. RSVP Publications is looking to revitalize print media by using new mobile technology to make their campaigns more engaging by introducing their Talking Postcards product. In using the codes, advertisers can guide consumers to mobile sites set up for their products or services. Businesses can use them to offer special…

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Raising awareness with easy barcode scanning technology

QR Code advantages Cow

Farmland Dairies is joining the multitude of companies using QR codes as part of their latest promotional campaign to raise consumer awareness. The company, a leading manufacturer of retail and foodservice branded milk and cream, will be using the codes in health clubs throughout the Northwestern U.S. The campaign is to promote their new dairy products that are enriched with fiber and omega-2 fatty acids. Farmland is using static panels in more than 100 health clubs spanning from New York to Connecticut. The panels feature $1-off coupons and a QR…

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New QR Code Service and Analytics

Paperlinks, a company specializing in context-sensitive marketing for businesses, has announced their latest product that allows businesses created print goods with their own QR codes attached. Calling their product “Paperlinks for Business,” the company hopes to capitalize on the rampant growth of the innovative barcodes. Paperlinks works much the same way as any other QR code generator and their codes can be scanned with any QR scanning application. Companies can try the service for free and can build a construct a custom landing page for their business by dragging and…

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