What do Picasso and QR Codes have in common…

Portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, Picasso 1910

The world of art has been seeing something of a revolution recently. Unlike artistic movements in the past, this is not about production as much as it is about presentation. Galleries are beginning to use QR codes to bring a new dimension to how art is seen. With the codes, galleries and museums are looking to provide their guests with an interactive experience that is entirely technology driven. The Martin Agency in Richmond, Virginia, has attributed a small fund toward their latest campaign to promote the upcoming Picasso exhibit at…

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Organic foods go two dimensional!

QR codes have something of a trendy persona. They have been put to use by a number of advertising campaign targeting the 18 to 25 crowd, honing in on the “hip” crowd. Though still in its relative infancy, QR code technology is asserting itself as the coolest thing to happen to marketing since viral campaigns were in vogue. As such, anything emblazoned with the 2D symbol is seen as cutting edge, a fact that is not going unnoticed by many business owners. Last year, the Port Townsend Food Co-op, a…

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