Massachusetts town of Orange launches festive QR code tour

QR code Tour - Christmas Tree in City

The town’s merchants group organized the experience in lieu of its traditional “Santa Comes to Town”. Orange Merchants Group members in the town of Orange, Massachusetts are using a holiday QR code tour to keep residents safe but festive at the same time. The goal was to keep up the Yuletide cheer while keeping up COVID-19 spread-prevention safety protocols by altering the traditional annual “Santa Comes to Orange” event. Residents are invited to wear their masks and drive a 12-stop barcoded route throughout the town. Along the QR code tour,…

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Burger King QR code scan will score you a free Whopper, if you can catch it!

Burger King QR Code - Store

The quick response barcode must be grabbed off the live TV spot, so don’t count on YouTube. A new Burger King QR code marketing campaign has TV viewers scrambling to scan a moving barcode with their phones before the time runs out. Looks easy enough, but it’s not as simple as it seems. Though the quick response barcode can be scanned using a camera app, it’s tough with a moving target. The Burger King QR code was brought back to make things a bit more fun for people stuck at…

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Special QR code displayed on David ‘Bomber’ Pearce statue in Newport, Wales

Special QR Code - David 'Bomber' Pearce Statue - Laury Dizengremel YouTube

The quick response code will help smartphone users to discover the athlete’s story. A new special QR code has been added to several places at the David “Bomber” Pearce statue. The bronze statue is of “Newport’s Rocky”, one of the greatest athletes from the Welsh city. The barcodes were added to the statue which was first unveiled in 2018 to honor the late boxer. The athlete’s nephew Luke Pearce unveiled the special QR code. It can be scanned using a smartphone to gain access to additional information. The quick response…

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OneService program uses QR codes for municipal issue feedback

OneService program - Feeback - Suggestion Box

Singapore has launched an initiative to make it easier for residents to report various problems. The Municipal Services Office (M.S.O.) in Singapore has launched an initiative using the OneService program and QR codes for residents to scan to report issues. The program has posted quick response codes in many places frequented by residents. Residents can now find QR codes in many places they frequently visit, such as H.D.B. lift landings. From there, they can use their phones to scan the barcode even without having downloaded the official app of the…

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Chrome QR code for Android devices may simplify web sharing

Chrome QR code - mobile phone

Sending quality links and online finds is a core mobile activity but remains clunky for users. An upcoming Chrome QR code feature spotted by tech bloggers may help to make link and screenshot sharing a much smoother experience for Android device users. The new quick response code feature has yet to be officially launched, but it is already being used. Google appears to be in the midst of an effort to streamline the process for Android users who want to share content. A new share sheet for that operating system’s…

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