QR codes are now in the form of graffiti art

QR codes graffiti art

The new design is being used in the hope of sharing a more effective message than the standard. The traditional form of QR codes – that is, the type that look like black and white pixilated squares – are found virtually everywhere, these days, but their appearance doesn’t always suit every form of situation in which they could be highly usable. In graffiti art, for instance, the shape of the barcode and the way they are used doesn’t necessarily translate. Though QR codes are now quite recognizable among many smartphone…

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QR codes may still encourage engagement when not scanned

Scan QR Codes Statistics

Scan has launched its version 2.0 to reach mobile users who don’t use barcodes. The latest statistics from eMarketer regarding the use of QR codes in the United States has shown that approximately 90 percent of Americans have not scanned a barcode within the last year. To be fair, this includes all Americans, regardless of whether or not they have a cell phone. However, this does represent a large number of people who are not scanning QR codes and who are therefore not being engaged by what they contain. A…

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QR codes are common, but so is their poor use

QR Codes

Though quick response barcodes are widely used, many companies still aren’t applying them well. Though QR codes are providing a wonderful opportunity for brands to bridge the gap between the real world and the digital universe, many companies have yet to figure out how to provide any level of engaging consumer experience. This poor user experience is leading consumers to shy away from continuing to scan the barcodes. Fortunately, as the use is still relatively new, there are enough consumers out there who have not yet scanned QR codes that…

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QR codes should not be abused just because they aren’t expensive

QR Code

Low cost associated with mobile barcodes has its good and bad sides. The use of QR codes for mobile marketing and other purposes for bridging the gap between the real and digital worlds has become very popular due to their low cost, but this is producing both good and bad results. The success of quick response barcodes is based on the amount of engagement they provide users. These little black and white squares have become quite familiar among businesses and consumers alike. Their inexpensive nature for production and use makes…

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QR codes can play an important role in consumer trust

Smartphone scanning QR codes

Mobile marketing can help consumers to connect with brands and companies. One of the hottest topics in advertising at the moment is mobile marketing, and its ability to build consumer trust through QR codes is now spending a large amount of time in the spotlight in discussions among advertisers. Unfortunately, many conversations have been focused on avoiding the tendency to miss the mark. The primary concern about QR codes and mobile marketing is unrealized potential. Among the main problems are that while they have become highly popular among companies, many…

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