QR codes are scanned most by Apple mobile devices

QR Codes trends statistics

That said, Android based smartphones and tablets aren’t too far behind, says ScanLife. There have been a lot of conflicting headlines over the last while as to whether or not the time of QR codes has passed and if there is any chance that these 2D barcodes could bring themselves to a place of relevance in the future. Current statistics and trends are showing that quick response codes are hanging in there. At the same time that big names such as Alibaba, Snapchat, and Shazam are introducing QR codes to…

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Are QR codes past their prime?

qr codes trends

A recent study on quick response codes has revealed that most people still see them as useful. Online mobile technology magazine, QR Code Press has released the results of a study that it had conducted throughout the first half of November, examining the usefulness of QR codes and investigating whether or not this type of 2D barcode has already had its moment in the sun and is now on its way out. The results of the research showed that consumers have many opinions about quick response codes, but overall they…

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QR codes provide mobile marketing statistics through uQR.me

Beijing qr codes on everything

The quick response code generator site has launched a free stats page to assist marketers. A free generator site for QR codes called uQR.me, which was created by Mobile Leaves, has now announced that it will be providing mobile marketers with statistics relating to the use of its barcodes. This service is designed to be completely free and uses data from millions of worldwide quick response code scans. The service has a massive database that includes the scans from millions of QR codes from around the world that have results…

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QR codes have very specific fans

Venmo QR Codes scans by men

The findings of a recent study have shown that some people are more likely to scan than others. The results of new research conducted by comScore MobiLens and the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) have now been revealed and have provided some insight into who is most likely to scan QR codes. What they discovered was that young males in the United Kingdom are the most frequent scanners. While QR codes are being scanned quite commonly by the entire Millennial generation, when it came to the individuals who were scanning the…

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QR codes are being scanned on an increasing basis

Scanlife QR codes

Scanbuy has just released its latest Mobile Trend Report that showed that the barcode use is up. The latest quarterly trend report from Scanbuy has just been released and has revealed that in the second quarter of this year, alone, it had processed more than 21 million QR code and UPC mobile barcode scans out of the estimated global total of 105 million that occurred during that time period. The company releases its trend report every quarter to provide insight on the latest in scanning. What the Q2 2013 Mobile…

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