QR codes are a natural complement to mcommerce coupons

Mobile Coupons with QR Codes

Discount programs are highly effective when used in conjunction with quick response barcodes. Though the actual use of coupons isn’t anything new, and even QR codes are reaching the point that they’ve been around long enough to be a part of mainstream mcommerce, what is only just being discovered is how well these two techniques work together. Consumers clearly enjoy receiving offers for discounts, and smartphones only add convenience. Coupons are an opportunity that both merchants and consumers can enjoy and that brings them both benefits. Consumers are able to…

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Reports show a stall in QR Code growth

Mobile Marketing QR Codes

Though QR codes have a great deal of potential for both marketers and consumers they still don’t seem to be catching on, because many people have yet to know what they actually are and how to go about using them. Many people assume that everyone must know what the two dimensional barcodes are and what they’re supposed to do with them, but a recent study has shown that almost eighty percent of college students don’t know what to do with one when they see it. This, from a demographic that…

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Lifespire brings QR codes to a new age medical bracelet

QR Code Medical Bracelet

Lifespire, Inc., a nonprofit organization that helps developmentally disabled persons achieve their goals, has been developing a new version of the Code Amber Medic Altertags, a modernized medical bracelet. The tags are not actually pieces of jewelry like their predecessors; these are similar to small, plastic cards often seen adorning key chains. The new tags will feature a prominent QR code, which Lifespire hopes will be used by emergency personnel to retrieve medical information for those in need as quickly as possible. Mobile technology has been serving emergency medical technicians…

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