QR codes and their mobile marketing benefits

QR Codes Scanning Statistics

Online advertising can benefit from these smartphone barcodes. Though QR codes have played a rapidly increasing role in mobile marketing, until now, they had not been considered in all that important to an overall advertising campaign. In fact, the actual usefulness of these barcodes had been repeatedly called into question. Recently, though, among the many versatile uses of QR codes in mobile marketing, advertising firms are now starting to find that the ways in which they can be used is virtually limitless. This is highly meaningful, as they have already…

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Coca-Cola takes charge of conservation with the help of QR codes

QR Code Marketing

Coca-Cola has launched their very first QR code campaign. The company has long been a fan of mobile technology but has been slow to adopt QR codes due to uncertainty regarding how popular they would be with consumers. While consumers are still quite unfamiliar with the codes, more people are growing accustomed to the black and white barcodes. Coca-Cola is partnering with the World Wildlife Fund for this campaign, hoping to help increase awareness of environmental issues. The codes will appear on Coca-Cola cups distributed at 7-Eleven stores throughout the…

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Locked-out union workers use QR codes to gain public support for their cause

QR Code

More than 1,300 employees of American Crystal Sugar Co. have been locked out of factories in three states following failed negations between union leaders and corporate executives early last month. Now, over a month after the lock-out, workers are launching a new campaign to get the public on their side. The campaign will make use of QR codes, which will be printed on fliers and handed out in major cities in Minnesota, North Dakota and Iowa, the states in which workers were locked-out. The QR codes direct smart phone users…

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