Unique QR codes are popping up all over the place. With the growing popularity of two dimensional barcodes to be scanned by mobile devices, QR code marketing is beginning to pop up everywhere we look. For example, Zeodia is now using the scans to help to play videos and slide shows that are available on any hard copy. This video creation technology utilizes the bar codes on a new form of advertising effort through visual displays of brands and products that include engaging videos, which can provided a great deal…
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South Carolina nature trail gets stamped with QR Codes
Visitors to the Buckwalter Greenway Trail in Bluffton, South Carolina, will be able to take an interactive tour powered by a series of QR codes situated throughout the park. The codes were chosen for the guided tour project because of their ability to dynamically connect mobile users with digital content. Throughout the tour, walkers of the path will be able to listen to a narrative of the areas ecology and history. The narrative is voiced by local experts like Kristen Marshal Mattson of the Lowcountry Institute. The trail is not…
Read MoreQR codes help breathe new life into the library system
Some argue that QR codes will never make it here in the U.S., that we don’t have the same love as Japan does for the codes, but still we keep seeing them pop up everywhere, especially in government run agencies like your local library. While many speculate their success, others keep on churning out new QR code campaigns due to the low cost nature of them, the ability to use tracking systems and the potential of delivering more information to patrons. One of the latest to join the ranks of…
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